Monday, June 29, 2015


First row, left to right: Ms. Maria Lourdes Campion of BFAR-NMC, Ms. Gina Floren of Cagangohan Women's Association, OIC Romeo L. Castañaga of DTI-Davao del Norte and Ms. Judith Lee of LGU Panabo inked the Memorandum of Agreement and Usufruct Agreement for the turn-over of  Bangus Processing Facilities witnessed by (2nd row, left to right) Elmer Gingos of DTI-Davao del Norte, Division Chief Marie Ann J. How, Officer in Charge Maria Belenda Q. Ambi of DTI-Regional Office XI and DTI Undersecretary for Regional Operations Zenaida Cuison-Maglaya.

The Department of Trade and Industry – Davao del Norte Provincial Office recently provided fisherfolks from the Cagangohan Women’s Association (CWA) of Panabo City, Inc. set of equipment for Bangus Processing in a bid to improve their product quality and production capacity, through the BFAR National Mariculture Center (NMC), the project proponent.

This is made possible through the agency’s Shared Service Facilities (SSF) Program which aims to eliminate bottlenecks in the production process of MSMEs by providing necessary tools and facilities which are otherwise not readily affordable for small entrepreneurs.

The CWA, assisted by  the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources – National Mariculture Center (BFAR-NMC) currently produces bottled bangus in corn oil, deboned bangus and bangus belly. Aside from these, they also sell lumpia and empanada made from bangus which is now gaining acceptance in the province and other places in Region XI. With the equipment provided consisting of 2 pressure cookers, 1 vacuum sealer machine,  2 chest-type freezers, and 1 stainless fish processing deboning table with a total cost amounting to Php300,000.00, said machineries are deemed essential for the improvement on the quantity and quality of processed bangus products being produced by the association.

DTI Undersecretary for Regional Operations Zenaida Cuison-Maglaya,  DTI-XI Officer in-Charge Maria Belenda Ambi, OIC Romeo L. Castañaga of DTI-Davao del Norte, Ms. Maria Lourdes Campion of BFAR-NMC and Ms. Judith Lee of LGU Panabo graced the turn-over and launching ceremony of the said SSF last June 24, 2015 at the Fish Processing Training and Demonstration Center in Panabo Mariculture Park, Cagangohan, Panabo City.

The Shared Service Facilities for Bangus Processing turned-over by DTI to the proponent BFAR-NMC consisting of 2 pressure cookers, 1 vacuum sealing machine, 2 chest-type freezers and 1 deboning table.
In her message, Usec. Maglaya emphasized the impact of these Shared Service Facilities to the families of fishermen in Cagangohan which is estimated to double or even triple the amount of their earnings. She also said that with this venture, the women of the community can now assist their husbands in providing food on the table and the education of their children with the income they will derive from bangus processing.

DTI – Davao del Norte targets at least 18 CWA members who are mostly fisherfolk housewives to benefit from this project. Also, with a projected increase in production capacity and gross sales of 40% - 75% per month, more jobs can be generated for the women of Brgy. Cagangohan. The agency also aims to expand their market from local to international.

The Bottled Bangus, one of the products of the Cagangohan Womens Association under the assistance of BFAR-NMC.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

DTI partners with LGU IGaCoS on Yaman Pinoy Project

The Department of Trade and Industry – Davao del Norte Provincial Office's Officer in Charge, Romeo L. Castañaga turned over a check worth Php740,000.00 to Island Garden City of Samal Mayor Aniano P. Antalan during the LGU’s convocation ceremony on June 8, 2015 for the latter’s implementation of Yaman Pinoy Project under the Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB) approach.

DTI-Davao del Norte's Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga turned over a check worth Php740,000.00 to Mayor Aniano P. Antalan of Island Garden City of Samal during the city's convocation ceremony on June 8, 2015. Also seen are DTI-DavNor's Business Development Division OIC Maria Victoria D. Adriatico (2nd from left) and Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist Necitas A. Lazaga (leftmost).

The Yaman Pinoy project is intended to enhance living conditions of the beneficiaries through a viable and sustainable economy utilizing its own resources. In line with this, activities such as capability building for the city’s labor force, product development sessions for food and non-food items, and marketing initiatives like trade fairs and exhibits shall be conducted.

DTI-DavNor's OIC Romeo L. Castañaga presents to Island Garden City of Samal Mayor Aniano P. Antalan a Php740,000.00 check for the city's implementation of the Yamang Pinoy Project under the Bottom-up Budgeting approach. 

Ms. Jennifer  Cariaga, City Investment and Tourism Officer said the targeted beneficiaries are organized groups such as Hugpong Manggagama sa Isla (HuMal), Building Art Weavers of IGaCoS (BANIg) and members of informal sectors like handicraft makers and service providers (masseurs, hairdresser, manicurist/pedicurist). Said project will be implemented by the city investment and tourism office.

Island Garden City of Samal Mayor Aniano P. Antalan holding the check turned-over by DTI for the BuB Project Implementation as city employees looked on.

Mayor Antalan said in his speech that with the aid of this fund, the city aspires to assist more small entrepreneurs and develop potential ones which in turn will create more jobs and a better life for Samaleños. He also thanked DTI for responding to the needs of the city resulting from grassroots consultation under BUB.

DTI-Davao del Norte's Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga (leftmost), Business Development Division's OIC Maria Victoria D. Adriatico and Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist Necitas A. Lazaga poses with Island Garden City of Samal treasurer Merlina G. Caballero during the actual check turnover.

For DTI’s part, OIC Castañaga said that the Yaman Pinoy project is among the many initiatives implemented in partnership with LGU IGACOS, this time providing assistance to the grassroots sector and help them improve their products and services that may fuel more economic activities in the island. 

DTI Personnel together with Island Garden City of Samal officials and employees. From left to right: OIC City Administrator Guillermo Olden, DTI's Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist Necitas A. Lazaga, City Investment and Tourism Officer Jennifer Carriaga, Development Management Officer Ms. Lludeza Quesada, Mayor Aniano P. Antalan, DTI-DavNor's OIC Romeo L. Castañaga, DTI-DavNor's Business Development Division OIC Maria Victoria D. Adriatico and City Budget Officer Jemelita Camaso.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


DTI-Davao del Norte Provincial Office in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology conducted a Food Safety and Good Manufacturing Processes seminar to the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) beneficiaries in the province last May 25, 2015 at its office in Capitol Compound, Mankilam, Tagum City.

Participants of the Food Safety Seminar were CARP Beneficiaries from San Isidro and Sto. Tomas.

DTI-DN's Business Development Division OIC Maria Victoria Adriatico spoke to the participants on the importance of Food Safety in her closing remarks.

Nema Freya Cebritas of Davao Food Safety Team discusses
 Food Safety Systems Development
Cheri May Tila and Nema Freya Cebritas, members of the Davao Food Safety Team, presented topics ranging from food safety hazards, personal hygiene, control of raw materials, cross contamination and pest control. They also conducted an actual demonstration on proper handwashing methods which everyone gets to try for themselves. Also explained during the session are the various food safety and good manufacturing certificates and the agencies issuing them.

Cheri May Tila of Davao Food Safety Team emphasized the importance of
implementing house rules in manufacturing plants.
A total of 16 participants from the Rural Improvement Clubs (RICs) of Balagunan in Sto. Tomas and Kipalili in San Isidro benefited from the seminar. Also present were representatives from the local government units of the aforementioned municipalities.

With this activity, DTI aims to make the food products of CARP MSMEs more competitive and marketable, especially with the ongoing ASEAN Integration, by improving their level of compliance with food safety laws, regulations and standards which will prepare them in applying for a license from the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) and other GMP certifying institutions.

Participants pose with speakers from Davao Food Safety Team, Ms. Cheri May Tila (seated, right) and Ms. Nema Freya Cebritas (seated, center), and OIC Maria Victoria Adriatico (seated, left) of DTI-Davao del Norte Business Development Division