Monday, June 6, 2016


 In response to the challenge of the ASEAN Economic Integration, DTI – Davao del Norte Field Office conducted a free packaging seminar and consultation for the province’s food processors on May 23, 2016 at Heroben Hometel, Tagum City.

MSME - participants got their pick of various packaging materials during the product presentation of suppliers.

The lack of proper packaging and labeling had always been one of the pressing concerns faced by most MSMEs in the province. This is attributed mostly to the lack of access to suppliers of affordable packaging materials. 

Likewise, the minimum volume requirement and the freight cost (particularly for those who source their packaging from Metro Manila), hinder start-ups and emerging entrepreneurs from competing with products of other ASEAN countries in terms of aesthetics. This also prevents them from penetrating mainstream markets.

MSME - participants got their pick of various packaging materials during the product presentation of suppliers.
With this activity, DTI aims to inculcate among the MSMEs the importance of a proper package and label to the product’s image and branding. The session also provided a venue for the MSMEs to meet with local suppliers of packaging materials and participate in a one-on-one consultation with them.

More than 40 food processors from all over the province benefitted from the consultation. Most of them are emerging entrepreneurs who are on the process of introducing their products, while some already have established markets and are just looking for cheaper alternatives to their current packaging materials.

Mr. Arnel Rodriguez of DOST-XI discussed the importance of packaging.

Mr. Arnel Rodriguez, Senior Research and Development Specialist of the Department of Science and Technology – Regional Office XI also shared his expertise on food packaging and labeling to the participants. Among the topics he discussed were the importance of packaging, the advantages and disadvantages of various types of food packaging materials from aluminum cans to pet bottles and the basic requirements for food labels prescribed by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA).

Samples of "generic" packaging materials offered to MSMEs.
“Having the proper packaging and label for your product gives you an edge over your competitors because consumers will most likely buy your products based on how it looks, not so much on how it tastes.”, Maria Victoria D. Adriatico, DTI – DavNor’s Supervising Trade and Industry Specialist for SME Development Services  told the participants.

Samples of "generic" packaging materials offered to MSMEs.

DTI-Davao del Norte has been regularly conducting free product development activities for the food and non-food sectors in the province as part of its effort to increase competitiveness of local products and aligning them with global standards. It is set to conduct a Labeling Consultancy Caravan during the second half of this year which will be geared towards start-up entrepreneurs around Davao del Norte.

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