Monday, October 5, 2015


In recognition of the need to foster consumer welfare and protection by ensuring and protecting consumer rights, the Department of Trade and Industry  - Davao del Norte Provincial Office recently took the forefront in the move to strengthen consumer organizations in the province.

Eyed as a vehicle in championing consumer protection and empowerment, these consumer organizations are composed of leaders from different civil organizations, sectoral associations, local government representatives and the public in general. Its primary advocacy is to push for the creation of local policies that would benefit the consuming public. It also plays an important role in the implementation of various consumer-related laws such as the Consumer Act and Price Act aside from serving as a venue to better promote and disseminate information on consumer privileges and responsibilities.

The officers and members of Konsumo Tagum, Inc. posed with DTI-Davao del Norte staff during the opening program of the Consumer Month Celebration.

Several consumer empowerment activities had already been conducted by DTI  this year particularly in the cities of IGaCoS and Tagum, in partnership with consumer organizations, namely: the IGaCoS Consumer Association (ICA) and Konsumo Tagum, which benefited 670 consumers composed of students, teachers, and barangay officials.
The officers of IGaCoS Consumers Association during their annual assembly last March 2015.

The Barangay Advocate for Consumer Education and Empowerment (B-ACE) is among the activities conducted in partnership with the consumer organizations. This program had been implemented since 2012 and had since then helped educate and empower consumers in far flung barangays.

"We wanted to educate consumers in the barangay level because we believe that those who attended our lectures can pass the information to their neighbors, relatives and friends who will in turn educate other people. This will enable them to become more involved and to make informed social and environmental choices.”, DTI-Davao del Norte Consumer Protection Services Division Chief Atty. Zerline T. Balleque said.

She also added that the agency has also conducted several consumer education lectures in various private and public highschools in the province in partnership with these consumer organizations.

A member of the IGaCoS Consumer Association (ICA) conducted a lecture on consumer rights to the highschool students of Island Garden City of Samal.
Another initiative that the provincial office conducted in partnership with consumer organizations is the Diskwento Caravan, a public service activity of DTI which gathers medium to large retail institutions to conduct a discount sales mission in various municipalities. This is to provide opportunities to consumers in distant areas to access high quality goods at a discounted price. Members and officers of the consumer organization often serves as a harbinger in notifying the public for any diskwento caravans that will be conducted in their area.

DTI - Davao del Norte is slated to conduct more consumer empowerment activities such as those mentioned above especially for the month of October which is dubbed as “Consumer Welfare Month”. All of these will also be in collaboration with consumer organizations.

The agency targets to form more consumer organizations in the province for this year and the next.
"It is our aim to have consumer organizations in the 11 municipalities of Davao del Norte." Romeo L. Castañaga, Officer in Charge of DTI-Davao del Norte revealed.

"We in the DTI believe that by letting the public become more involved, they themselves become advocates of educating and empowering their fellow consumers." Castañaga added.

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