Wednesday, March 18, 2015


A total of 85 knapsack sprayers with a 16-liter capacity were distributed by the Department of Trade and Industry – Davao del Norte Provincial Office in cooperation with the local government unit to cassava and cardaba producers from Patil, Gupitan, Sua-on and Florida in Kapalong, Davao del Norte last March 16, 2015.

DTI Davao del Norte OIC Romeo Castañaga together with Kapalong Vice Mayor Maritess Timbol turned over a knapsack sprayer to a farmer from Barangay Florida, Kapalong

This activity is part of the Bottom up Budgeting program, more commonly known as BuB, implemented by the agency in the said municipality. The BuB is a project of the national government which aims to achieve inclusive growth for all sectors of society through poverty alleviation and creation of livelihood opportunities.

Knapsack sprayers ready for distribution to the farmers.

DTI Davao del Norte Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga and Kapalong Vice-Mayor Maritess Timbol spearheaded the turn-over of the said sprayers. They also reminded the farmers not to sell the sprayers as these will be subjected for monitoring by concerned government agencies. However, they encouraged them to share their sprayers to neighbors and or relatives who have need for such but unfortunately did not qualify as one of the beneficiaries.

Farmers from Barangay Sua-on, Kapalong pose with their newly-received knapsack sprayers.

According to OIC Castañaga, the agency aims to conduct more productivity trainings for the farmers in the future to ensure sustainable growth. DTI has already conducted various agricultural skills trainings for the farmers from Kapalong in the previous year.

A farmer from Barangay Florida prepares to go home with the Knapsack sprayer she just received from DTI

Aside from the sprayers, the farmers were also given bolos. They said that the farm tools given to them were indeed a great help as these are quite expensive and therefore not readily affordable for everyone.

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