Monday, October 5, 2015


In recognition of the need to foster consumer welfare and protection by ensuring and protecting consumer rights, the Department of Trade and Industry  - Davao del Norte Provincial Office recently took the forefront in the move to strengthen consumer organizations in the province.

Eyed as a vehicle in championing consumer protection and empowerment, these consumer organizations are composed of leaders from different civil organizations, sectoral associations, local government representatives and the public in general. Its primary advocacy is to push for the creation of local policies that would benefit the consuming public. It also plays an important role in the implementation of various consumer-related laws such as the Consumer Act and Price Act aside from serving as a venue to better promote and disseminate information on consumer privileges and responsibilities.

The officers and members of Konsumo Tagum, Inc. posed with DTI-Davao del Norte staff during the opening program of the Consumer Month Celebration.

Several consumer empowerment activities had already been conducted by DTI  this year particularly in the cities of IGaCoS and Tagum, in partnership with consumer organizations, namely: the IGaCoS Consumer Association (ICA) and Konsumo Tagum, which benefited 670 consumers composed of students, teachers, and barangay officials.
The officers of IGaCoS Consumers Association during their annual assembly last March 2015.

The Barangay Advocate for Consumer Education and Empowerment (B-ACE) is among the activities conducted in partnership with the consumer organizations. This program had been implemented since 2012 and had since then helped educate and empower consumers in far flung barangays.

"We wanted to educate consumers in the barangay level because we believe that those who attended our lectures can pass the information to their neighbors, relatives and friends who will in turn educate other people. This will enable them to become more involved and to make informed social and environmental choices.”, DTI-Davao del Norte Consumer Protection Services Division Chief Atty. Zerline T. Balleque said.

She also added that the agency has also conducted several consumer education lectures in various private and public highschools in the province in partnership with these consumer organizations.

A member of the IGaCoS Consumer Association (ICA) conducted a lecture on consumer rights to the highschool students of Island Garden City of Samal.
Another initiative that the provincial office conducted in partnership with consumer organizations is the Diskwento Caravan, a public service activity of DTI which gathers medium to large retail institutions to conduct a discount sales mission in various municipalities. This is to provide opportunities to consumers in distant areas to access high quality goods at a discounted price. Members and officers of the consumer organization often serves as a harbinger in notifying the public for any diskwento caravans that will be conducted in their area.

DTI - Davao del Norte is slated to conduct more consumer empowerment activities such as those mentioned above especially for the month of October which is dubbed as “Consumer Welfare Month”. All of these will also be in collaboration with consumer organizations.

The agency targets to form more consumer organizations in the province for this year and the next.
"It is our aim to have consumer organizations in the 11 municipalities of Davao del Norte." Romeo L. Castañaga, Officer in Charge of DTI-Davao del Norte revealed.

"We in the DTI believe that by letting the public become more involved, they themselves become advocates of educating and empowering their fellow consumers." Castañaga added.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


DTI-Davao del Norte Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga (leftmost), DTI-Regional Office XI Officer in Charge Maria Belenda Q. Ambi, CESO V (third from left) and Tagum National Trade School (TNTS) Principal Mario S. Gregorio (2nd from right) inks Memorandum of Agreement for the turn-over of the Engineered Bamboo Shared Service Facilities to TNTS on August 26, 2015 as witnessed by representatives from the Department of Education, Provincial Government of Davao del Norte and the City Government of Tagum.
Under the auspices of its Shared Service Facility (SSF) Program, the Department of Trade and Industry Davao del Norte Field Office in partnership with the City Government of Tagum launched on August 26, 2015 the first ever Engineered Bamboo Processing and Development Facility in Mindanao located at the Tagum National Trade School, Apokon, Tagum City.

The facility which consisted of various bamboo processing equipments for primary processing, cutting operations, sanding operation, electric and portable tools, carpentry tools and consumables, and planks and panel for final processing has a total cost of Php3.559 million.
Some of the Shared Service Facilities on Engineered Bamboo Processing handed over by DTI to Taagum National Trade School: (left to right) Universal Sharpener for Circular Saw, Laminating Press with Pneumatic Cylinder, Twin Rip Saw, Dust Collector, Wide Belt Sander

According to data from DTI, this project was conceived way back in 2010 when the agency provided trainings and equipment for the processing of engineered bamboo and had consequently organized a Bamboo Forum in 2012. With the implementation of their SSF Program in 2012, a proposal for the provision of a bamboo processing hub in Davao del Norte was made.

The kiln dryer for bamboo is one of the facilities entrusted by DTI to Tagum National Trade School. Drying a freshly cut bamboo pole minimizes breakage and prevents decay caused by microorganisms

Maria Belenda Q. Ambi, Officer in Charge of DTI – Regional Office XI revealed that this is one of the first projects to be approved upon commencement of the SSF Program.
DTI-Regional Offie XI Officer in Charge Maria Belenda Q. Ambi talks about how this bamboo development project came into being during the Launching and Turn-over Ceremony.

The main objective for the establishment of this facility is to introduce appropriate production processes and manufacturing technologies to MSMEs for e-bamboo and bamboo furniture and fixtures. It also aims to fully utilize the bamboo resources in the province especially since all its local government units have already established their respective nurseries and bamboo propagation projects in partnership with DANA Foundation, the private sector champion for bamboo industry development.

The local government unit of Tagum City has expressed their support in this endeavor with the provision of funds to Tagum National Trade School for the construction of a building to house the equipments. It also signified to look for ways to put bamboo propagation at the forefront of its agricultural projects.

According to Tagum National Trade School principal Dr. Mario S. Gregorio, even the private sector contributed for the inception of this project by donating aggregates to level off the land for building construction.

From left to right: Tagum City Schools Division Superintendent Cristy C. Epe, Executive Assistant from the Provincial Governor's Office Rosalio Ibañez, DTI-XI Officer in Charge Maria Belenda Q. Ambi and DTI-Davao del Norte Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga lead the cutting of ribbons during the launching and turn-over ceremony of the Shared Service Facility for Engineered Bamboo Processing.

DTI – Davao del Norte Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga said that this facility will not only serve as training center for senior high school students and individuals who are interested in bamboo processing but will also welcome MSMEs and other stakeholders who wanted to process their  raw bamboo.

“This is not the end but just the beginning. The agency is set to conduct more interventions in the future such as product designing and lectures on pricing and costing.”,Castañaga added.

DTI-Davao del Norte will also partner with Tagum National Trade School in the proposed SSF for Jewelry Industry Development.

Monday, August 24, 2015


DTI-Davao del Norte Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga (fourth from left) turned over a check worth Php2.4million pesos to Tagum City Mayor Allan L. Rellon (fifth from left) on August 24, 2015 at the Tagum City Hall Grounds for the implementation of the Bottom up Budgetting (BuB) Program 2015 as witnessed by City Officials and Employees.

LGU Tagum City aims not only to promote local products but also preserve the culture of the different tribal groups in the city through the establishment of an OTOP Tribal Display Center  at the Tagum City Cultural and Trade Center where they can showcase their crafts and food products. The store shall be locally known as "Balay Sang Pamilyanan", a local phrase which means “a house to make purchases”.

The funding for the project is part of the Php2.4 million handed over by Department of Trade and Industry-Davao del Norte Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castanaga to Tagum City Mayor Allan L. Rellon during the City Employees' Convocation Ceremony on August 24, 2015 at the Tagum City Hall grounds. The said amount represents the total fund to be used in the implementation of various projects under the Bottom up Budgeting (BuB) Program 2015.

“Five sub-projects are to be implemented in the city under this fund. Aside from the OTOP Tribal Display Center, other sub-projects include Safe Food Handling for Tagum City Night Market Vendors, Productivity Enhancement for the Food Processors Association of Davao del Norte, Capacity Building for IP Micro-enterprises, and Indigenous Product Development (Yaman Pinoy)”, Castañaga disclosed.

At least 100 night market vendors, 16 food processors, and 100 indigenous women are expected to benefit from these projects.

Tagum City Mayor Allan L. Rellon (right) and DTI-Davao del Norte Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga shows newly-signed Memorandum of Agreement for the implementation of Bottom up Budgetting (BuB) 2015 during the MOA Signing and Check Turn-over Ceremony on August 24, 2015 at the Tagum City Hall Grounds.

BuB is a program of the national government which aims to achieve inclusive growth through provision of sustainable livelihood projects coming from the communities and LGUs.
Since the city is also known for its night market, several activities such as Good Customer Relations Training and Entrepreneurship Seminars will be conducted for the night market vendors. Trainings on Safe Food Handling shall also be given to improve food quality while safeguarding public health.

A manualization on Good Manufacturing Practices is also scheduled for the food processors in Tagum City as initial step for them to acquire a License to Operate (LTO) from the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA).

DTI-Davao del Norte also has ongoing BuB projects in Talaingod, Panabo, San Isidro, Kapalong and Island Garden City of Samal. The agency is also set to implement the said program in the municipality of Carmen later this year.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


The first Negosyo Center in Davao del Norte was launched by the Department of Trade and Industry – Davao del Norte Provincial Office in partnership with the provincial government under the auspices of the Provincial SME Development (PSMED) Council on August 5, 2015 at the DTI Building, Government Center, Mankilam, Tagum City.

The personage who led the launching of the DavNor Negosyo Center. From left to right: Program Officer Aram Fernandez of Sen. Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino Office, DTI-Davao del Norte Officer-in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga, Panabo City Mayor James Gamao, DTI-Regional Office XI OIC-Regional Director Maria Belenda Q. Ambi, Melanie Mendoza from the Office of Governor Rodolfo del Rosario, SP Chairman for Committee on Trade and Industry Vicente Eliot and Congressman Anthony del Rosario’s Executive Assistant Cesar Granada

The launching was led by DTI-XI OIC/Regional Director Maria Belenda Q. Ambi, Program Officer Aram Fernandez of Sen. Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino Office, DTI-Davao del Norte Officer-in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga, also with SP Chairman for Committee on Trade and Industry Vicente Eliot, Panabo City Mayor James Gamao, Congressman Anthony del Rosario’s Executive Assistant Cesar Granada and Governor Rodolfo del Rosario represented by Melanie Mendoza, and members of the Davao del Norte Provincial SME Development Council.

The newest Negosyo Center in Davao del Norte is now open and ready to cater to MSMEs.

The Center is now open to serve the MSMEs, declared Director Ambi, to provide them their needs in their business endeavor, from business registration, counseling, trainings and seminars and business information, among others, as mandated by RA 10644, or the Go Negosyo Act authored by Sen Bam Aquino. DTI is also partnering with financing institutions such as the Small Business Corporation (SBC) and the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) to facilitate MSME’s availment of additional or starting capital for their business activities.

 “The services offered in the Negosyo Center are inclusive.  This means that anyone who wishes to go into business or expand their current business is always welcome at the center”, DTI-Davao del Norte Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga said during an interview.

DTI-Davao del Norte Office in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga welcomes everyone to the Negosyo Center's Launching Ceremony.

OIC Maria Belenda Q. Ambi of DTI-Regional Office XI said that this project is a collaborative effort of government agencies tasked to assist in the development of MSMEs such as DOST which provides technology transfers and TESDA for skills trainings.

DTI-Regional Office XI Officer in Charge Maria Belenda Q. Ambi gave an overview of the Negosyo Center project to the PSMED Council and MSMEs present.

The Negosyo Center is open from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. It also conducts various trainings under the SME Roving Academy (SMERA) program of DTI.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


The Department of Trade and Industry’s Undersecretary for Regional Operations  Zenaida Cuison-Maglaya graced the opening ceremony of this year’s Kadagayaan Festival and 48th Araw ng Davao del Norte as keynote speaker on June 24, 2015 at the Provincial Park and Plaza, Capitol Grounds, Tagum City, Davao del Norte.

In her speech, USEC Maglaya congratulated the provincial government and all Dabaonons for the progress that Davao del Norte is currently enjoying. She said that being a Dabaoeña herself (she was born and raised in Davao), she felt proud every time she goes back and see the developments happening in her hometown. She also applauded the “madagayaon” spirit of the Dabaonons that has been displayed countless of times in every difficult situation it had been through and that essence of optimism and oneness that the people constantly exhibits which she believes is the reason why “kadagaya” and “kasadya” is ever present in the province. She also stated that what made it achieve glorious feats such as being the banana capital of the Philippines to hosting the “best Palarong Pambansa ever” is because the Dabaonons hoped, dreamed and worked together without losing that “madagayaon” attitude.  

Usec. Maglaya, also talked about the ASEAN Economic Integration which as she say is already here even before 2015. However, she clarified that December 2015 (when the integration will be fully enforced) should not be considered a doomsday but merely a deadline for achieving a 100% compliance on agreed ASEAN Integration targets and since the country has opened its doors to international trade since 2010 with the lifting of tariffs on basically 99% of commodities coming from other ASEAN-member nations, the competitiveness of local industries has greatly improved enabling the country to adjust once ASEAN will formally enter the process of becoming a regional economic bloc.

She also added that for DTI’s part, it has partnered with various local government units and other national agencies in implementing projects geared towards increasing product quality, production capacity and investment promotion such as the approval and implementation of investments and incentives code, adoption of streamlined Business Process and Licensing System, Industry Cluster Promotion Program, SME Roving Academy (SMERA) and Shared Service Facilities.

Usec. Maglaya concluded by urging everyone from the SMEs, businesses and private sectors to close ranks to ensure the benefits and sustainability of the reforms and initiatives being implemented by the local and national government.

Governor Rodolfo P. del Rosario, formally opened the 8-day Kadagayaan Festival, and toured the Agri-aqua Industry Trade Fair with Usec Maglaya,  Vice-Governor Victorio Suaybaguio, Ms. Phoebe Orbe DA-RFO XI, and Mr. Romeo L. Castañaga of DTI-DN. The group also got  a sample of what each municipality has to offer like New Corella’s fresh milk, San Isidro’s cacao-based products, Carmen’s balut, Panabo’s bangus, IGaCoS’s mangoes, Dujali’s black rice, Talaingod and Sto. Tomas’s fresh farm produce and Tagum’s calamansi juice among others.

Monday, June 29, 2015


First row, left to right: Ms. Maria Lourdes Campion of BFAR-NMC, Ms. Gina Floren of Cagangohan Women's Association, OIC Romeo L. Castañaga of DTI-Davao del Norte and Ms. Judith Lee of LGU Panabo inked the Memorandum of Agreement and Usufruct Agreement for the turn-over of  Bangus Processing Facilities witnessed by (2nd row, left to right) Elmer Gingos of DTI-Davao del Norte, Division Chief Marie Ann J. How, Officer in Charge Maria Belenda Q. Ambi of DTI-Regional Office XI and DTI Undersecretary for Regional Operations Zenaida Cuison-Maglaya.

The Department of Trade and Industry – Davao del Norte Provincial Office recently provided fisherfolks from the Cagangohan Women’s Association (CWA) of Panabo City, Inc. set of equipment for Bangus Processing in a bid to improve their product quality and production capacity, through the BFAR National Mariculture Center (NMC), the project proponent.

This is made possible through the agency’s Shared Service Facilities (SSF) Program which aims to eliminate bottlenecks in the production process of MSMEs by providing necessary tools and facilities which are otherwise not readily affordable for small entrepreneurs.

The CWA, assisted by  the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources – National Mariculture Center (BFAR-NMC) currently produces bottled bangus in corn oil, deboned bangus and bangus belly. Aside from these, they also sell lumpia and empanada made from bangus which is now gaining acceptance in the province and other places in Region XI. With the equipment provided consisting of 2 pressure cookers, 1 vacuum sealer machine,  2 chest-type freezers, and 1 stainless fish processing deboning table with a total cost amounting to Php300,000.00, said machineries are deemed essential for the improvement on the quantity and quality of processed bangus products being produced by the association.

DTI Undersecretary for Regional Operations Zenaida Cuison-Maglaya,  DTI-XI Officer in-Charge Maria Belenda Ambi, OIC Romeo L. Castañaga of DTI-Davao del Norte, Ms. Maria Lourdes Campion of BFAR-NMC and Ms. Judith Lee of LGU Panabo graced the turn-over and launching ceremony of the said SSF last June 24, 2015 at the Fish Processing Training and Demonstration Center in Panabo Mariculture Park, Cagangohan, Panabo City.

The Shared Service Facilities for Bangus Processing turned-over by DTI to the proponent BFAR-NMC consisting of 2 pressure cookers, 1 vacuum sealing machine, 2 chest-type freezers and 1 deboning table.
In her message, Usec. Maglaya emphasized the impact of these Shared Service Facilities to the families of fishermen in Cagangohan which is estimated to double or even triple the amount of their earnings. She also said that with this venture, the women of the community can now assist their husbands in providing food on the table and the education of their children with the income they will derive from bangus processing.

DTI – Davao del Norte targets at least 18 CWA members who are mostly fisherfolk housewives to benefit from this project. Also, with a projected increase in production capacity and gross sales of 40% - 75% per month, more jobs can be generated for the women of Brgy. Cagangohan. The agency also aims to expand their market from local to international.

The Bottled Bangus, one of the products of the Cagangohan Womens Association under the assistance of BFAR-NMC.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

DTI partners with LGU IGaCoS on Yaman Pinoy Project

The Department of Trade and Industry – Davao del Norte Provincial Office's Officer in Charge, Romeo L. Castañaga turned over a check worth Php740,000.00 to Island Garden City of Samal Mayor Aniano P. Antalan during the LGU’s convocation ceremony on June 8, 2015 for the latter’s implementation of Yaman Pinoy Project under the Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB) approach.

DTI-Davao del Norte's Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga turned over a check worth Php740,000.00 to Mayor Aniano P. Antalan of Island Garden City of Samal during the city's convocation ceremony on June 8, 2015. Also seen are DTI-DavNor's Business Development Division OIC Maria Victoria D. Adriatico (2nd from left) and Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist Necitas A. Lazaga (leftmost).

The Yaman Pinoy project is intended to enhance living conditions of the beneficiaries through a viable and sustainable economy utilizing its own resources. In line with this, activities such as capability building for the city’s labor force, product development sessions for food and non-food items, and marketing initiatives like trade fairs and exhibits shall be conducted.

DTI-DavNor's OIC Romeo L. Castañaga presents to Island Garden City of Samal Mayor Aniano P. Antalan a Php740,000.00 check for the city's implementation of the Yamang Pinoy Project under the Bottom-up Budgeting approach. 

Ms. Jennifer  Cariaga, City Investment and Tourism Officer said the targeted beneficiaries are organized groups such as Hugpong Manggagama sa Isla (HuMal), Building Art Weavers of IGaCoS (BANIg) and members of informal sectors like handicraft makers and service providers (masseurs, hairdresser, manicurist/pedicurist). Said project will be implemented by the city investment and tourism office.

Island Garden City of Samal Mayor Aniano P. Antalan holding the check turned-over by DTI for the BuB Project Implementation as city employees looked on.

Mayor Antalan said in his speech that with the aid of this fund, the city aspires to assist more small entrepreneurs and develop potential ones which in turn will create more jobs and a better life for Samaleños. He also thanked DTI for responding to the needs of the city resulting from grassroots consultation under BUB.

DTI-Davao del Norte's Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga (leftmost), Business Development Division's OIC Maria Victoria D. Adriatico and Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist Necitas A. Lazaga poses with Island Garden City of Samal treasurer Merlina G. Caballero during the actual check turnover.

For DTI’s part, OIC Castañaga said that the Yaman Pinoy project is among the many initiatives implemented in partnership with LGU IGACOS, this time providing assistance to the grassroots sector and help them improve their products and services that may fuel more economic activities in the island. 

DTI Personnel together with Island Garden City of Samal officials and employees. From left to right: OIC City Administrator Guillermo Olden, DTI's Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist Necitas A. Lazaga, City Investment and Tourism Officer Jennifer Carriaga, Development Management Officer Ms. Lludeza Quesada, Mayor Aniano P. Antalan, DTI-DavNor's OIC Romeo L. Castañaga, DTI-DavNor's Business Development Division OIC Maria Victoria D. Adriatico and City Budget Officer Jemelita Camaso.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


DTI-Davao del Norte Provincial Office in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology conducted a Food Safety and Good Manufacturing Processes seminar to the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) beneficiaries in the province last May 25, 2015 at its office in Capitol Compound, Mankilam, Tagum City.

Participants of the Food Safety Seminar were CARP Beneficiaries from San Isidro and Sto. Tomas.

DTI-DN's Business Development Division OIC Maria Victoria Adriatico spoke to the participants on the importance of Food Safety in her closing remarks.

Nema Freya Cebritas of Davao Food Safety Team discusses
 Food Safety Systems Development
Cheri May Tila and Nema Freya Cebritas, members of the Davao Food Safety Team, presented topics ranging from food safety hazards, personal hygiene, control of raw materials, cross contamination and pest control. They also conducted an actual demonstration on proper handwashing methods which everyone gets to try for themselves. Also explained during the session are the various food safety and good manufacturing certificates and the agencies issuing them.

Cheri May Tila of Davao Food Safety Team emphasized the importance of
implementing house rules in manufacturing plants.
A total of 16 participants from the Rural Improvement Clubs (RICs) of Balagunan in Sto. Tomas and Kipalili in San Isidro benefited from the seminar. Also present were representatives from the local government units of the aforementioned municipalities.

With this activity, DTI aims to make the food products of CARP MSMEs more competitive and marketable, especially with the ongoing ASEAN Integration, by improving their level of compliance with food safety laws, regulations and standards which will prepare them in applying for a license from the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) and other GMP certifying institutions.

Participants pose with speakers from Davao Food Safety Team, Ms. Cheri May Tila (seated, right) and Ms. Nema Freya Cebritas (seated, center), and OIC Maria Victoria Adriatico (seated, left) of DTI-Davao del Norte Business Development Division

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


The opening of schoolyear 2015-2016 is fast approaching and the Department of Trade Industry through its Consumer Protection Group (DTI-CPG) has begun its campaign in ensuring reasonable prices and ample supply of school supplies that are under the list of basic necessities and prime commodities of the Republic Act 7581 or the Price Act.

Last week, the DTI-CPG met with the manufacturers and traders of school supplies to discuss the prices and supply of their products.

“The DTI has maintained an open communication with the industry of school supplies and we continuously discuss their price and supply situation to level the playing field among them and to guarantee their cooperation in promoting consumer welfare”, Undersecretary Dimagiba reports.

Undersecretary Dimagiba also reports, “In the meeting, the Philippine School Pads and Notebooks Manufacturers Association, Inc. or PHISPANO, National Bookstore, Bridges Bookstore (formerly Goodwill Bookstore), and Morayta Bookstore (formerly Meriam and Webster Bookstore) declared that their prices are the same for this year compared to three (3) years ago and they are not increasing the prices of their products”.

Undersecretary Dimagiba adds, “The Department extends its appreciation to the manufacturers and traders of schools supplies for its continued support to DTI for the protection of consumers”.

Annually, the DTI-CPG through its Consumer Protection and Advocacy Bureau (CPAB) requests for the suggested retail prices (SRPs) from the industry members of school and office supplies. The CPAB validates the submitted SRPs against the costs of production particularly raw materials. Once the SRPs are acceptable, the DTI publishes this list of products with the brands and SRPs from manufacturers that will be the reference price guide for distributors and retailers in the market.

Among the school supplies that are in the DTI list of basic and prime goods and are frequently being monitored on their supply and prices are crayons, notebooks (composition, writing and spiral), pad paper (grades 1-4, intermediate), ballpens, and, pencils.

Undersecretary Dimagiba emphasizes, “The DTI targets to publish the price guide for school supplies if not by end of April 2015, by first week of May 2015. We will request the cooperation of the establishments to post the guide in conspicuous places where the consumers can easily access and refer to them”.

“Simultaneously, DTI will conduct its monitoring activities to check not only the reasonableness of prices and the availability of supply of school supplies but also the compliance with specific standards and labeling requirements”, Undersecretary Dimagiba states.

According to the Republic Act 7394 or the Consumer Act of the Philippines, any manufacturer, importer, distributor or retailer that if they are found not complying with the requirements of the PNS, they shall face administrative charges, which include a maximum fine of P300,000 per violation.

The DTI-CPG, through its Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau (FTEB), adds the school supplies among the various non-agricultural products that are being monitored per week. Last week, the DTI has found all 40 establishments visited in the National Capital Region (NCR) to be compliant with the SRPs for basic necessities and prime commodities.

Meanwhile, the DTI took note that Nestle’ Philippines has implemented a price rollback for its coffee refill products – 25 grams from P20.75 to P19.75 and 50 grams from P41.00 to P38.95.

Consumers can report or file complaints against unsafe school supplies to DOH/ FDA or overpriced and unlabeled school supplies to the nearest DTI office in their area or call DTI Direct 751.3330 and 0917.8343330.

In Davao del Norte, consumers may file their report at the DTI-Davao del Norte Provincial Office located at Capitol Compound, Mankilam, Tagum City. You may also reach us at telephone numbers (084)216-2309/(084)216-3505 or mobile number 09177221025.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


A total of 85 knapsack sprayers with a 16-liter capacity were distributed by the Department of Trade and Industry – Davao del Norte Provincial Office in cooperation with the local government unit to cassava and cardaba producers from Patil, Gupitan, Sua-on and Florida in Kapalong, Davao del Norte last March 16, 2015.

DTI Davao del Norte OIC Romeo Castañaga together with Kapalong Vice Mayor Maritess Timbol turned over a knapsack sprayer to a farmer from Barangay Florida, Kapalong

This activity is part of the Bottom up Budgeting program, more commonly known as BuB, implemented by the agency in the said municipality. The BuB is a project of the national government which aims to achieve inclusive growth for all sectors of society through poverty alleviation and creation of livelihood opportunities.

Knapsack sprayers ready for distribution to the farmers.

DTI Davao del Norte Officer in Charge Romeo L. Castañaga and Kapalong Vice-Mayor Maritess Timbol spearheaded the turn-over of the said sprayers. They also reminded the farmers not to sell the sprayers as these will be subjected for monitoring by concerned government agencies. However, they encouraged them to share their sprayers to neighbors and or relatives who have need for such but unfortunately did not qualify as one of the beneficiaries.

Farmers from Barangay Sua-on, Kapalong pose with their newly-received knapsack sprayers.

According to OIC Castañaga, the agency aims to conduct more productivity trainings for the farmers in the future to ensure sustainable growth. DTI has already conducted various agricultural skills trainings for the farmers from Kapalong in the previous year.

A farmer from Barangay Florida prepares to go home with the Knapsack sprayer she just received from DTI

Aside from the sprayers, the farmers were also given bolos. They said that the farm tools given to them were indeed a great help as these are quite expensive and therefore not readily affordable for everyone.


With the aim of bringing affordable goods to the masses, DTI Davao del Norte Provincial Office in cooperation with the City Investment and Tourism Office conducted a Presyo Diskwento Caravan at the Freedom Park, Peñaplata, Island Garden City of Samal during the 17th Araw ng Samal on March 7, 2015.

The event was held in partnership with NCCC Department Store, Samal Central Warehouse and LYR Marketing Corporation who provided the goods put on sale during the event. Consumers were able to enjoy up to 20% discount on homewares, apparels and grocery products. Home appliances and motorcycles were also offered for up to 5% discount.

Samaleños also enjoyed free haircut, massage and manicure upon presentation of an official receipt from participating stores. A total of 10 local barbers, masseurs and manicurists joined the event and provided their expertise.

Roughly 3,300 people benefited from the activity with aggregate sales of Php 950,000.00

Presyo Diskwento Caravan is another advocacy long conducted by DTI to promote consumer welfare by selling goods to consumers at discounted prices through partnerships with big retail and manufacturing firms in the country.

DTI Davao del Norte has already conducted a total of 13 Presyo Diskwento Caravans since 2012 benefiting more than 12,000 consumers and generating almost Php4million in sales.